SACJF Secretariat
The SACJF Secretariat is currently hosted in Zambia at New Government Complex, VIP suites 1-4. The secretariat is responsible for day to day running of the Forums activities, organising conferences, coordinating with other cooperating partners, and managing the website for the forum. The secretariat is managed by four (4) members of staff, who are full-time employees of the Zambian Judiciary. Below are the names and positions;
- Sangwani Nyimbiri - District Registrar Judiciary Headquarters and Coordinator - SACJF
- Wencelous Mwansa - Accountant Judiciary Headquarters and Accountant - SACJF
- Lekeshya Kaunda - Protocol Officer Judiciary Headquarters and Protocol and Logistics officer SACJF
- Maungake Banda - Chief Justice's Secretary and Secretary - SACJF
Contact the Secretariat via this website's contact form.